【第3弾配信】Prologue~序曲~ Barasuayo / Afro Urbanity [Nov 11,2020 ON SALE]
連続配信 第三弾「Prologue ~序曲~ Barasuayo」
テーマは人類全ての起源 アフリカ。
法竹と呼ばれる唯一無二の尺八を創り操る 遠藤健二、ナイジェリアにルーツを持つ世界的ダンサー兼歌手である ジェフリー・ダニエル(from Shalamar)の二人により、日本・キューバ・アフリカが見事に融合。
※Yoruba religion [Elegguá]
Elegua guarding the crossroads and the door. He will help humanity to find a new crossroads on the wrong path of discrimination and prejudice.
The theme is Africa, the origin of all humanity. Connecting Japan - Cuba - Africa with a wonderfully talented guest musician.
This musical work is inspired by one of the gods of the African Yoruba faith, "Elegua"
Kenji Endo, who creates and operates the one-of-a-kind shakuhachi [Hochiku] (bamboo flute), and Jeffrey Daniel (from Shalamar), a world-renowned dancer and singer with Nigerian roots, will present a wonderful fusion of Japan, Cuba and Africa.
Arrangement/Programming : Michiko Abe
Vocal/Chorus Arrangement : Nana Cantarina
Lyric/ Music : Santeria
Hochiku (komuso shakuhachi ) : Kenji Endo https://otomoribeat.wixsite.com/chikuon
Keyboard : Hiromichi Tsugaki
Bata Drums : Kouta Seki
Narration : Jeffrey Daniel https://jeffreydaniel.com/
Performance : Jeffrey Daniel / Kenji Endo / Onyemowo Udeh
Translation : Michiko Abe / Juasa Kanoh
Recording : NS Records Japan Studio
Mastering Engineer : Yuka Koizumi (Orange Co,. Ltd.)
Videographer : Nana Nezu
Produced by NS Records Japan
English site : https://afrourbanity.com/
Japanese site : https://www.nsrecordsjapan.com/afro-urbanity
日本のキューバ、ラテン、ジャズシーンで大活躍中のベテランから新進気鋭の若手まで各世代のミュージシャンが集結し、コアなアフロキューバンミュージックとジャズ、ファンク、ヒップホップ、R&B、ネオソウル、エレクトロニカなどを、緻密で実験指向の高いアレンジと個性的なヴォーカルワークで掛け合わせるエレクトリック・アフロキューバン・ジャズユニット。 ストリートや日常のお祭りで演奏される音楽である、ルンバやサンテリーアの魅力を伝えるべく、360度全方向視聴にこだわったライヴを続け、キューバ、ラテンファンのみならず、ジャズ、フュージョン、アフリカ音楽ファンなどからも多大な支持を得て2019年1st Albumをリリース!
Creative Electro, Afro Cuban Jazz, Afro, Urbanity pieces... Active collective of great musicians from various generations ! Among the Cuba music, very specific genres of AfroCubanmusic, such as Rumba and Santeria, are put in the spotlight by being mixed with a variety of styles our artists come accross daily. It is the combination of detailed, experiment-oriented, unique arrangements and individual vocal work. Our nationaly and internationaly reknown members, animated by the warmth of their music, share with you their colorful rythmes. In the, unfortunately now closed, hall SARAVAH Tokyo in Shibuya, 360 spectators were freely surrounding our musicians during their live performances. They earned them a good reputation among not only Cuban music fans but also Jazz, Fusion, Afro Music... Lovers. After an experimental live on September 22, 2019, the group released its 1st Album “Afro Urbanity”.